Abundant Wellness With Andrea- From Surviving to Thriving in Mind, Body and Spirit

You were meant for so much more than just getting by and just making it through the hard things in life that get thrown your way. Discover new ways to thrive and walk in wholeness of mind, body and spirit.

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5 days ago

Parenting children with ADHD presents special challenges, from managing emotional dysregulation, to impulsivity, to managing time and other executive function tasks.
This can be exhausting for both the parent and the child! 
This is where Lisa Smith, Occupational Therapist and ADHD certified Brain Health Coach comes in! 
Join us as we chat about: 
ADHD is considered the "invisible" diagnosis, as there is nothing outwardly to see and the symptoms look more like bad behavioral/personality traits of the child and not being strict enough as a parent
The recommended treatment for ADHD for kids: For kids 5-12 the #1 recommended treatment is medication and parent training and for kids under 5 it is just parent training, yet 90% of parents are never provided any information or resources for this from their doctor or after the evaluation process
Typical parenting strategies don't work for kids with ADHD as their brain is wired differently, and has a 2-3 year delay in executive function skills (we could do a brief discussion of what these skills are)
The best parenting style (evidence based) for raising kids with ADHD
Make sure you go follow Lisa on TikTok @adhdonschedule
Free resource: ADHD Essentials Guidehttps://www.adhdonschedule.com/ADHD-starter-kit
Website: https://www.adhdonschedule.com
Simply ADHD parent training membership: https://www.adhdonschedule.com/encore-page-2-x-1647275367
To schedule a discovery call to see how to support your child from a functional medicine standpoint, click HERE 

Monday May 27, 2024

If the thought of enduring another summer with severe mood swings, irritability, anxiety and fatigue has you down in the dumps, you're not alone. 
If we want to have a summer where our hormones aren't hijacking our plans, then we need to reverse engineer the problem. 
I know... I talk a lot about that, but we truly need to build a scaffolding if we want things to feel differently this time around. 
Grab the Summer PMS Survival guide here 
Ready to take action on your hormones for a more enjoyable summer? Schedule a complementary call with me here 

Monday May 20, 2024

Are you dreading the school year coming to an end? 
Or maybe like most moms I'm talking to, you're a bag of mixed feelings: excitement, dread, anxiety, and the relaxation that the change in schedule brings.
Wherever you are on that spectrum, you'll gain some strategy to tackle the summer ahead.
What are your goals?
What are your sticky, tough points that you know will drive you to frustration?
Where will you need to ask for help? 
Grab 15% off paleovalley grass fed protein powder HERE!
Don't forget to follow me on instagram here 

Monday May 13, 2024

Maddy first came to me after trying to conceive for 16 months with no results, and like so many women in her shoes, her labs all came back "normal".
However, there were symptoms that pointed to an underlying problem that not only contributed to her cycles being long, but her immense fatigue and infertility. 
Take a listen... you won't believe the ending!
To follow Maddy and her business, go to www.instagram.com/mrsclarksclassroom
Ready to put an end to your crazy periods, infertility and miserable cycles? Schedule a complementary hormone breakthrough call HERE 

Monday May 06, 2024

Having a child with special needs can be devastating for the whole family. As a parent, it is almost as devastating to see that the sibling is struggling to find their place in a world that has been flipped upside down for them. 
It can feel like your hands are tied and like what you do is never enough... but in reality, there are a few basic needs that can be addressed to create safety, nurturing and comfort for the sibling of a child with special needs. 
To join the community facebook support page, click HERE 
I'd love to hear from you! Hop on over to the private instagram channel by going here, then click on the "special needs parenting" link in my header to join. 
Grab my free guide to hope filled special needs parenting HERE 
Grab a copy of my book "Wrapped in Kindness" HERE

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

I never imagined I could experience such profound emotional pain as I did when shame hit me like a ton of bricks with our daughters PANDAS diagnosis. 
The loss of community.
The loss of finances and extreme medical debt.
The list of unmet needs were all screaming at me that we didn't deserve better, that there was something wrong with US that we were in this situation.
Whether you are a special needs parent or not, life's difficulties have a way of giving us the impression that we don't deserve better. 
Shame can have devastating mental health impacts as well, which I talk about in this episode. 
Grab your copy of Wrapped in Kindness or buy for a friend who needs it HERE

Monday Apr 22, 2024

I know what you're thinking... "If I hear someone say 'manage your stress' one more time... I'm gonna lose it!."
I know.
I've felt the same way. But the truth is that if we don't learn how to manage our stressors better, we will continue to suffer with messed up hormones. 
There is a difference between physiologic stress and emotional stress- in this episode, I'll help you to understand the difference and what you can do to feel better. 

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Have you tried progesterone or estrogen hormone replacement, felt better for 1-2 months only to feel like crap again? 
Well, there is a reason for that. 
In this episode I dive into the main reasons why your body isn't responding to bioidentical hormones and what you can do about it. 
Curious what your current hormone imbalance is telling you? Fill out this simple form here- this will go straight to my email inbox and I (yes myself) will reply with recommendations for where to focus your efforts. 
Ready to get a more personalized approach? Schedule a time to chat with me here

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Mid 30's- mid 40's can feel as confusing, if not more so, than puberty, and there is so much confusion about what perimenopause is, the difference between peri and menopause, and how we treat them differently! 
Take a listen to this short but sweet episode where I dive into the details so you know what to focus on. 
Join the Women's Hormone Support chat on IG HERE
Ready to get out of the hormone rut? Schedule a complementary phone call here so we can dive into what's really going on with your symptoms so you know what to focus on
Empowered Perimenopause training bundle

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Peeing your pants when you sneeze?
Struggling to make it to the bathroom without an accident since you had children? 
Experiencing pain with activities or intercourse?
None of these are normal! 
Take a listen as Christina shares how to support your pelvic floor, how to find a good pelvic floor therapist, and how our hormones impact our pelvic floor health. 
You can find christina on instagram www.instagram.com/pelvicfloorplace


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