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Watching Band of Bros with my 20 yo son during his spring break and have the Pacific lined up for his summer break.

2 months ago reply 0

This one I’ll have to listen again and take notes. What a succinct message.

1 years ago reply 0

A.I. has to go! That’s where their control comes from! We have to take out the internet in order to put the A.I. out of commission ! The only way to accomplish this is probably a Solar Flare that comes to close!

1 years ago reply 0

We all better fast and pray ! They already up pppt it to 300 Ghtz. They gave themselves the authority to do that and they are planning to re up it again to over 500 G htz we are in trouble but we will Restore this Republic! It was a Red Wave. The Red Wave of Communism that infiltrated us to the hilt and it’s going to take us 40 years to clean it out! How many Gigga hertz. will explode a human head- how high does the frequency need to be?

1 years ago reply 0

It was a wave! Across the board Republican s won 80 % of the contested seat s! Vote total wise across the board it is Mathematically impossible for them not to win 80%of the seats! They are going to give us Lake! The people will fall for it! She won’t be able to do anything cause within the AZ. Senate they will do her like the dems did Trump. In his 4 yrs.

1 years ago reply 0

Why doesn’t somebody tell Elias to turn over the log in s and out s from the Frankfurt server s on NOV. 3 in the year of our LORD 2020

1 years ago reply 0

Continuity of Government says it will be a scripted election! I can just hear them howlering and screaming. They cheated they cheated they don’t learn

1 years ago reply 0

I am looking for the past episode when he spoke with Chad Ball, anyone able to help me out? Thanks

1 years ago reply 0

I found The Vic Freeman show and he talks about the solutions and how to move forward.

1 years ago reply 0

U.I. seem s like they are forming Zenlinski an army of 100 000 out of people on the streets! On the contrary it seems they are forming another 100 000 out of elite soldiers of which they plan on sending back to the colonies! We colonies will defend against a tyrannical govt!

1 years ago reply 0

Didn’t a Rapture target the light pole in Tenn. on Xmas day! The pole blow s explosion cleaned upppp! Maybe same Rapture on Guidestone s ?

1 years ago reply 1

I feel Putin saw the light of the deep state coming for his country way back a few as a mid level K.G.B. agent! ! HE does love his country and I truly believe that he made a decision way back then to rid himself of these deeper s. once the opportunity arose! Well the opportunity has come and with favorable gifts attached to this opportunity he will secure Russia from every opening that was used to invade his country during ww2!

2 years ago reply 0