KMB Communications, Inc.

KMB Communications is a strategic communications, public relations, copywriting, content creation, SEO, and social media marketing firm. We are different by design, experts at articulating, elevating, and amplifying AV industry messaging through strategic communications & content execution.
Serving the AV industry for more than 28 years, we leverage our robust relationships and network to elevate and amplify your message, delivering it to the media, integration community, and relevant influencers in a manner they’re familiar with and trust.
We specialize in strategically aligning our partners with their target audience through the development and deployment of technically rich yet easily digestible content, utilizing a highly-differentiated blend of strategic PR, social media, and content marketing activities.
We’re not just creating a buzz. We’re breaking through the noise and breaking brands into new markets. Better yet, we’re creating new markets for our clients.

Connecting Tech + Design with Katye (McGregor) Bennett

Connecting Tech + Design is a show for those who live at the intersection of tech & design

AV Trade Talk

AV Trade Talk explores the stories behind the brands in the audio-visual industry.

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