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Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed is the leading digital media company serving the higher education space. Since our founding in 2004, we have become the go-to online source for higher education news, thought leadership, careers and resources.

Our mission is to serve all of higher education - individuals, institutions, corporations and non-profits - so they can do their jobs better, transforming their lives and those of the students they serve.

We are proud to have earned the trust and loyalty of our 3.2 million monthly readers by speaking as a fiercely independent voice, providing thoughtful, substantive analysis on the pressing issues facing higher education today.

The Key with Inside Higher Ed

Hear candid conversations with higher-ed newsmakers -- with a special focus on equity and lower-income students. Hosted by Inside Higher Ed. Inside Higher Ed is the leading source for the latest news, analysis, and services for the entire US higher education community.

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