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The Surrogacy Landscape Podcast - Brought to you by Boodle Hatfield LLP

The Surrogacy Landscape Podcast is a three-part series brought to you by the Family Law team at Boodle Hatfield. The series discusses the legal implications of growing a family via surrogacy, to help couples and individuals get to grips with the landscape at the outset to ensure that their journey to parenthood is smooth and safe for all involved. The series looks at the full surrogacy lifecycle, the practicalities that need to be considered and the law that currently governs the process in the UK. For more information visit www.boodlehatfield.com

The Lessons in Legacy Podcast, By Boodle Hatfield LLP

The Lessons in Legacy Podcast is a new series that follows on from Boodle Hatfield’s ‘Lessons in Legacy’ research - an initiative that explores what legacy means to families and individuals in the 21st century. The series provides a platform for a dialogue with a number of leading academics, professional advisers and business leaders about the evolution in the approaches, attitudes and adjustments successful individuals and families are taking to plan for wealth transfer. Across the coming months, we will break down some of the themes that are now front of mind for those responsible for family wealth. We will take into account the priorities of the succeeding generation and look at how, in turn, we as advisers can support and steward a legacy’s sustainability and reflect a families’ longer term purpose, values and sense of cohesion.