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Talking Law with Hogan Lovells

Thought leadership from around the world

Hogan Lovells Brexit

A podcast that looks at the big picture as law, policy and politics converge. Our lawyers have been leading the analysis of Brexit since before the referendum was even promised. We can help you navigate the best course for your business in these uncertain times. Our podcast will give you insight into the political decisions being made as the UK negotiates to leave the EU, and what they mean for your business.

Talking the Cure by Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells is always thinking about how to conquer and foresee the most significant industry issues facing our clients. If you’ve been following us for the past two years, you’ve heard first-hand from our lawyers around the world on significant developments in the Life Sciences & Health Care sector and why they are so passionate about the industry. In season 3, we’ll unpack new and exciting industry trends and bring you more outside perspectives to keep you ahead of the curve.

Abordando Derecho by Hogan Lovells

Abordando Derecho es el podcast de Hogan Lovells que nace con el objetivo de contribuir a la cultura jurídica y acercar a la audiencia al mundo del derecho a través de temas de interés general desde la perspectiva legal. En este espacio se escuchan historias contadas por socios de Hogan Lovells e invitados especiales que comparten su experiencia en el mundo legal de forma sencilla y relajada para que cualquier persona pueda asimilar la información sin necesidad de tener experiencia legal. Conducido por Alejandro García González, socio de Hogan Lovells en la ciudad de Monterrey.

HR w podcastach Hogan Lovells

W nowej serii podcastów - HR w podcastach Hogan Lovells, specjaliści z warszawskiego biura Hogan Lovells omówią szereg praktycznych kwestii związanych z szeroko pojętym prawem pracy. W poszczególnych odcinkach będziemy prezentować wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu HR, z którymi mogą się Państwo spotkać w swojej codziennej pracy.

The Hogan Lovells National Security Podcast

In this age of rapid technological advances, having a dedicated team of lawyers to help navigate the challenges and threats of national security is crucial. At Hogan Lovells, national security is baked into virtually all practice areas and industries, from clothing affected by the Uyghur forced labor bill, or the myriad impacts of the Ukraine war, or political conditions in a country of importance to a client. The Hogan Lovells National Security Podcast, hosted by Mike Scheimer and Tim Bergreen, will provide an overview of key developments as well as informative segments on issues that are affecting the day-to-day goals of businesses and organizations.

The Data Chronicles

Welcome to Hogan Lovells’ The Data Chronicles, brought to you by the firm’s global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. This multimedia series is dedicated to the ever-changing legal and regulatory developments in the world of data, privacy, and cybersecurity. Join us as we unravel and unpack various regulatory frameworks and legal developments around the globe.

The Influencers: Digital Transformation

Welcome to The Influencers, where we bring you insightful conversations with leaders from business, academia and regulating authorities about all aspects of digital transformation and law. How will AI, big data, crypto and other deep digital technologies interact with the emerging laws and regulations? How to support innovation and progress without compromising ethical standards and the need for social responsibility? What are the stories behind new business ventures or legislative initiatives? And most of all: how to harness technological advancements to create wealth and wellbeing for all?

Hogan Lovells racconta

Hogan Lovells racconta è il podcast ufficiale di Hogan Lovells Italia, studio legale full service presente in Italia dal 2000 con un team di oltre 160 professionisti, di cui 26 soci e un network internazionale con oltre 45 sedi nel mondo. In questo canale, i nostri professionisti condivideranno alcuni dei principali aggiornamenti relativi al panorama legale con riferimento a diverse aree e settori, fornendo spunti di riflessione e alcuni consigli utili su come affrontare tali novità legislative. Qualora desideriate ricevere ulteriori informazioni riguardo ai nostri podcast o a specifiche puntate, vi preghiamo di contattaci via email alla casella di posta elettronica hoganlovellsitaly.comms@hoganlovells.com