Lifesaving Stories: The Power of Branded Podcasts

Duration: 61 mins

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Join us for an enlightening virtual event, "Lifesaving Stories: The Power of Branded Podcasts," where we will dive into the RNLI's (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) strategic use of podcasting in tandem with their overall marketing campaigns to celebrate their 200th anniversary.


Discover the impact of their "200 Voices" podcast and how it integrates into a larger marketing narrative. Here are key takeaways and what we'll cover:

  1. Integrating Podcasts into Marketing Campaigns: Learn how RNLI seamlessly blended the '200 Voices' podcast into their broader marketing strategy.
  2. The Art of Storytelling in Podcasts: Understand the role of storytelling in engaging and retaining audiences.
  3. Community-Centric Storytelling: Discover how the RNLI's '200 Voices' podcast masterfully tells stories from across the community, fostering a deep connection and engagement among listeners by highlighting diverse, personal experiences within the RNLI's 200-year legacy.
  4. Multi-Channel Marketing Synergy: Insights on how the podcast complements RNLI’s digital, social, and traditional marketing channels.
  5. Brand Identity Reinforcement: Discover how the podcast reinforces RNLI's brand identity and mission.
  6. Engaging Diverse Audiences: Strategies RNLI employed to reach and engage different audience segments through podcasting and other media.
  7. Content Creation and Adaptation: Explore how content from '200 Voices' is adapted for use across various marketing platforms.
  8. Leveraging Historical Legacy: Insights into how RNLI used their rich history in podcast storytelling to enhance their overall brand narrative.
  9. Promotion and Audience Building: Effective techniques for promoting podcasts within an integrated marketing strategy.