Use Your Voice! On the Road with Kylie Myers

Use Your Voice! On the Road with Kylie Myers
9 Episodes
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Category: Technology
Last Update: 2021-01-31
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My life’s mission to inspire people I come in contact with to use their voice. I have always loved doing this for others in multiple realms including volunteering with the Oklahoma Rodeo Pageants Council. Somewhere along the way because of various circumstances in my life, I lost the belief that this applied to me, too. Two years ago at the Miss Rodeo Oklahoma Pageant while volunteering, a few voices began to speak more worth into my life, and that led me to an amazing journey of realizing that no matter what has happened in my life, I am an overcomer. While I could have continued helping young women with my volunteer efforts with this pageant, I wanted to expand my reach by becoming Miss Rodeo Oklahoma. I want to be a voice for young people everywhere and to remind adults the power they have to influence future generations in a positive way, which is why my entire year as 2020 Miss Rodeo Oklahoma and thereafter will be wrapped around my platform of ‘Use Your Voice’. Throughout this podcast I will not only share about my travels but also interview and highlight Oklahoma and national organizations and individuals that I meet along the way that help youth find and use their voice.