Solo: A Zombie Apocalypse

Solo: A Zombie Apocalypse
31 Episodes
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Category: Drama
Last Update: 2024-09-02

Solo: A Zombie Apocalypse is a scripted serial audio drama consisting of full sound effects and voice actors.  We are not professionals but friends who love audio dramas and fun.   The story takes places after the zombie apocalypse and our friends here are  trying to find answers and stay alive at the same time.  There any many adventures and interesting people as they travel across the land.   These three survivors have nothing in common but learn to depend oneach other in order to survive.  John is the young dull guy  with no sense of humor.  Bree is the tough, independent young lady and Gunner, who's the  old retired military guy who takes nothing serious.   So who will be your favorite?  Join us on the adventure and we dare you not to laugh.