Taming the High Cost of College! : Financial Aid | FAFSA | Student Loans | Scholarships | Tax | Saving | Investing | Grants | 529 plans


Taming the High Cost of College! :   Financial Aid | FAFSA | Student Loans | Scholarships | Tax | Saving | Investing | Grants | 529 plans
8 Episodes
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Category: Technology
Last Update: 2017-04-14
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If you are the parent of a college bound high school student then this podcast is for you. Our goal is to give you the information you need to SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY, and reduce stress in the college process. We will cover all aspects of planning and paying for college including things like: What to do if you do not qualify for financial aid, student loans, FAFSA and CSS profile, merit aid, scholarships, college tax breaks, visits, ACT and SAT, college fairs, the application process, and good college planning websites. Essentially all things college.