「身體菌叢及DNA的進化」  (3及基因鏈密碼)

Dream Walker Rasta Wang


2020/04/30生命及工作紀錄及紀實 「身體菌叢及DNA的進化」 [畫. 3及基因鏈密碼 王大喜] [內容. 王大喜 x Jonathan] 「當表皮的將軍願意帶兵裝死時, 便能達到平衡, 分母便如同那個1/3能夠一起被整除, 便能夠達到平衡及菌叢的進化」 「Evolution of the flora」 "When the skin general is willing to take his soldiers to play death, The denominator is divisible like 1/3, You can achieve balance and the evolution of the bacterial flora " RastaWang.com A beautiful confirmation from an audience "ZiYan Wang" (感謝網友ZiYan Wang用我的作為底,加上顏色的創作、及來信) Hi Rasta, after viewing your video on youtube yesterday, I staring at your recent pencil drawing again and surprisingly "see" some vivid and ... very "concrete" figures. I thought I may share with you but they are difficult to describe verbally. So I highlighted them with extra colors. (Please forgive me for doing that on your artwork! I won't share them with any other else. And if you feel not comfortable with that I will delete it immediately.) What I see in the pic including human beings (cartoon figures), animals and ... aliens? More than one of them are looking upward. Two of them were playing the piano with one audience on the side as well as one woman is dancing. Two of the figures are stony-faced and unfriendly. The deity with a wolf head seems to be Anubis (but he is just on the side of "Ra" who is another Egyptian deity). And coincidentally, there is a scene of Rivier Nile with pyramids on the bank (and also a canvas camp?). Those are probably just some echos in my own vision, and I believe the richness of information in your drawing is much more abundant than what I see. Just share with you with respect. Btw, thank you so much for remembering the Youtube community! That platform is indeed deteriorating but you indeed made a transformation on it yesterday! [Color layer. Ziyan Wang] (感謝網友ZiYan Wang用我的無意識畫作”3及基因鏈”為底,加上顏色的創作、及溫暖的來信) [原圖. 3及基因鍊 王大喜] 「同樣的一句話,怎麼聽,便造就了自己的的大千世界」 -王大喜 Hi Rasta, after viewing your video on youtube yesterday, I staring at your recent pencil drawing again and surprisingly "see" some vivid and ... very "concrete" figures. I thought I may share with you but they are difficult to describe verbally. So I highlighted them with extra colors. (Please forgive me for doing that on your artwork! I won't share them with any other else. And if you feel not comfortable with that I will delete it immediately.) What I see in the pic including human beings (cartoon figures), animals and ... aliens? More than one of them are looking upward. Two of them were playing the piano with one audience on the side as well as one woman is dancing. Two of the figures are stony-faced and unfriendly. The deity with a wolf head seems to be Anubis (but he is just on the side of "Ra" who is another Egyptian deity). And coincidentally, there is a scene of Rivier Nile with pyramids on the bank (and also a canvas camp?). Those are probably just some echos in my own vision, and I believe the richness of information in your drawing is much more abundant than what I see. Just share with you with respect. Btw, thank you so much for remembering the Youtube community! That platform is indeed deteriorating but you indeed made a transformation on it yesterday! [Color layer. Ziyan Wang] (感謝網友ZiYan Wang用我的作為底,加上顏色的創作,及來信) 嗨拉斯塔, 昨天在youtube上觀看了您的視頻之後, 我又一次又驚訝地盯著你最近的鉛筆劃 “看到”一些生動而又非常“具體”的數字。 我以為可以和您分享,但是很難用口頭表達。 所以我用額外的顏色突出顯示了它們。 (請原諒我在您的作品上這樣做!我不會與其他任何人分享。 如果您對此感到不滿意,我會立即將其刪除。) 我在圖片中看到的包括人類(卡通人物),動物和……外星人? 其中不止一個正在向上看。 他們中有兩個在一邊聽著鋼琴彈奏著鋼琴,還有一個女人在跳舞。 其中兩個人物面無表情,不友善。 狼頭的神似乎是阿努比斯 (但他只是另一位埃及神ity“ Ra”的一員)。 碰巧的是,在岸邊有金字塔的Rivier Nile場景(還有一個帆布營地?)。 這些可能只是我個人觀點中的一些迴聲, 我相信您繪圖中信息的豐富程度比我所看到的要豐富得多。 只需與您分享。順便說一句,非常感謝您記住YouTube社區! 該平台確實在惡化,但是您昨天確實對它進行了轉換! [顏色層. ZiYan Wang] RatsaWang.com RastaWang.podbean.com