In this episode we chat with Temitope Ben-Ajepe, a pharmacist and public health consultant from Nigeria.
We discussed:
- Her pharmacy background and how she ended up studying pharmacy
- Her motivations to explore regulatory work and work at a macro level
- Details of different internship and placement experiences, what she enjoyed and what she learnt there
- Overview of Pharmacy training Nigeria and the national requirements for licensing
- The different types of pharmacy practice and the different levels
- How her many internship experiences influenced and motivated her to want “more”
- What more looks like for Temitope in public health
- Some research projects she has worked on
- The value of data in health care work
- Research and ability to generate evidence that makes an impact in
- The power of trying out different things in your career and being open to different experiences
- Importance of mentors and aligning with mentors that focus on what you are interested in
- Skills and training that she has found valuable in her current work form Pharmacy school and beyond