In which FM reaches out to her neighbors- the familiar and the frightening, the sensible and the strange, for help with her animals while she takes The Seaside Cure. But first, a squirrel.
We have a map of the farms and list of characters up! View the Map and Character Guide Here. Feel free to consult the character list freely (we confess, it's a story with a lot of characters) and, the map is designed to be colored or painted, please feel free to color the map and send us a picture of your work!
You can find us on instagram @GoatAmericanNovelPod and never hesitate to email us, send us your questions, let us know where you're listening, what you do while you listen (we've heard reports of family jigsaw puzzling), and most importantly who you're listening with. With Grandpa at the care home? In the car on the way to school? Curled up in bed with your best stuffie? We need these details.
This episode features the incredible voicework of my full cast, as well as some great live-recorded foley from the folks over at, who provided the beautiful creative commons recordings of crows, songbirds, bells and dinner ware which made this episode so beautiful and immersive. Thanks for foley artists dibko, manhawks, applesauceav, and inspectorj for their additions to the audio creative commons.
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