Be A Giver – is a teaching to help us establish our faith by becoming a giver. I know when you first read the title of this message, it turned you off immediately. But the Lord wants to share with us more than being a person who pays titles and offerings. God has been giving to us from the beginning, it is who God is, and who we need to become. Being a giver is not a religious thing with God, its not about following practices that makes a person feel guilty because they did not give at church. Being a giver as defined by God, has to do with our heart, and how we need to have an open heart and hand towards those who are in need, because in the time of our need, the Lord either came to our rescue, or he sent someone to help us. God is always giving to those who seek him through his Son Christ Jesus. God teaches us how to be givers through his Word, Son, and Spirit, but we have to receive God’s Ways into our heart for it to be effective not only in our lives, but in the lives the Lord leads us to touch through our giving. This was a hard lesson for me, because I thought I was a cheerful giver, but the Lord showed my that I did not give out of my heart, but based on my conscience, based on rules I made up regarding when and who I would give to. He had to change my heart to receive this message.