Episode 6 (Empyrean Temple (Part 1?))
In this episode we talk to the artists behind Empyrean, the 2020 Burning Man Temple, Laurence “Renzo” Verbeck and Sylvia "Sky Wolf" Adrienne Lisse. This interview takes place in late February 2020, at a point when their Temple design has been chosen and they are off to the races of solidifying designs and building their team.
To find out more about the ongoing story of the Empyrean Temple, or to find ways to participate in this amazing undertaking you can head over to www.empyreantemple.com or on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/empyrean2020temple.
Your host is Scott Froschauer and if you’d like to know more about him you can check out ScottFroschauer.com or on instagram and twitter @sfroschauerart on Facebook Scott Froschauer Art or email SF@ScottFroschauer.com
You can find more information on this podcast at www.BuildToBurn.com
Build to Burn is part of the Burner Podcast (www.burnerpodcast.com) network of Burning Man related podcasts. The theme music is Burning for You by Blue Oyster Cult, covered by Bill Zuncan. You can find him on instagram at @bill_zsunkan
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