Hermione and Luna go to wizard college in Abby’s first pick! This story presents an appealing fantasy of an inclusive wizarding world where Luna and Hermione become globe-trotting partners in work and love, and you can get takeout from literally anywhere in the world on demand. But all three of us are frustrated by the overall lack of smut. We filtered by explicit, dammit. Audrey is distracted by how fricking good the cocktail is this week, and explains to the expecting Mira the magic of “pump n dump.”
Story Link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/2573990/chapters/5726924
Drink Pairing:White Chocolate & Star Anise Martini
The author provided their own! Fly Me Away by Goldfrapp
Up NextEpistolary Charms, a Lucius Malfoy/Hermione fic by bea_meupscotty
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