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    Sheryl NIcholson is a Professional Speaker + Author + Coach


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  • Get a Life Balanced!

    EXPECTATIONS! That's what my grandmother told me is the biggest challenge to living today versus in HER day.  We expect a lot from ourselves AND others - and that adds

    STRESS, GUILT, a feeling of being OVERWHELMED!  Where do we start?

    Get your FREE Life Balance Scoresheet to see which are needs work first and then listen each week to our Get a Life Balanced podcast.

    Is it worth $1 each month to get tips on de-cluttering, putting friends back into your life, finding time for exercise, learning how to say NO, and MORE?  We think the answer is a resounding YES!  

    Come join our movement and you can also be a part of our Facebook community and Linkedin Group.  Share YOUR secrets and find great new friends.  See you there!

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