Barùkas are the healthiest nuts on the planet; literally a mini-cocktail of hard to find micronutrients and vegan protein. A single handful packs your daily fiber requirement, and it’s simply amazing how many healthy micronutrients are in each bite. But they’re not just good for you, they’re good for the world. Barùkas represent an amazing opportunity to reforest our planet and sustain indigenous communities on their land. The trees that give these nuts are called Baruzeira. They are found in the Amazonian savanna biome called the Cerrado (pronounced sahadu), which covers an area 3 times the size of Texas. It’s one of the most beautiful areas in the world. Unfortunately, this immense biodiversity is already being deforested to make way for cattle ranching. The growth of Barùkas can help put an end to the deforestation and preserve the original flora. Not only that, it will allow indigenous people to make a sustainable living off the land. It’s truly a win all around. For your health, the health of the planet, and the health of the world community. Give them a try and let us know what you think.