“In almost every socialist system, you're going to end up with one group of people who are in the government, who are running things on behalf of the people...and they're going to end up having the power and the money for themselves,” said David Deavel, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., and the editor of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.
Young people attracted to socialism “may think of it simply as part of that welfare state ideal and they've been taught, 'Everything works better in Sweden' or something like that,” said Deavel. “And what they don't understand is that those Nordic countries actually did have fairly socialist arrangements in the 1970s. But what they led to was absolute stagnation. So many of them had to open up their economies in order to keep up their large welfare state.”
The “Catholic social tradition has largely been open to market economies within a strong juridical framework and with the caveat that, look they can go bad if the culture around them goes bad. Why is that? John Paul II said in Centesimus Annas — his 1991 encyclical — that one of the things that's needed for poor people is that they can enter into the circle of exchange."
Deavel continued, "And when you enter into that circle of exchange, profit's going to be a part of that. But in order to succeed in it, you have to be meeting people's needs, both your consumers, as well as the people who are investing, and working for you, as well. And when you have that balance, I think people are not as attracted to these sort of wild-eyed socialist ideals, when they see that no, this can actually work. But the trick is, of course, having a good legal and political framework, as well as — most importantly — having a culture in which the right things are valued..."
This is Part 1 of a two-part podcast. Listen to Part 2 at this link.
RLR Interview with Michael Lichens: Weird Catholic Handbook
RLR Interview with Dr. Ralph Martin - A Life in the Spirit: A Memoir
RLR Interview with Ed Van Buskirk: If U Love Me, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to teaching the wisdom of the Ten Commandments (Part 3)
RLR Interview with Anthony DeStafano - Christmas in Heaven
RLR Interview with Dr. Andrew Abela - Superhabits: The Universal System for a Successful Life
RLR Interview with Ed Van Buskirk: If U Love Me, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to teaching the wisdom of the Ten Commandments (Part 2)
RLR Interview with Emma Waters: Pro-Natalism is Not Enough
RLR Interview with Ruth Berghorst: Contemplating the Seven Sorrows of Mary
RLR Interview with Dr. Regis Martin: March to Martyrdom: Seven Letters on Sanctity from St. Ignatius of Antioch
RLR Interview with Philip F. Lawler: Martyrs in Training
RLR Interview with Dr. Anne Hendershott: Keeping Catholicism Weird in Crisis Magazine
RLR Interview with Vicki Owens: Emmaus Catholic Hospice
RLR Interview with Jim Valois: The Inspiring Story of Charlene Marie Richard
RLR Interview with Ed Van Buskirk: If U Love Me, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to teaching the wisdom of the Ten Commandments (Part 1)
RLR Interview with David Deavel - Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West
RLR Interview with Patrick O'Hearn: The Holy Eucharist is Not Loved
RLR Interview with Leila Miller: It’s Good to Preach to the Choir
RLR Interview with Suellen Brewster: Does People Pleasing Lead to Holiness?
RLR interview with Doug Mainwaring: LifeSiteNews.com
RLR interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Flee from Heresy
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