“If a coach cannot teach something to a player in 10 minutes, he is not a good coach. There is nothing wrong with the player, it’s the way you explain it, that is not right.
Why do children, who win when they are young, stop to play? It is because they never learn how to lose.
You need the loosing part in order to be a winner. You need to know what it is. And if you then keep going, my God you are strong.”
The words are Ron Daniels, a world class badminton coach, who has had almost the entire world as his workplace. He is the guest in this episode of the Mental Winner podcast.
A Mental Winner is flexible.
“Instant improvement” – Rons key sentence for creating world class training and faster development.
Ron tells about the three steps in learning: 1) knowing 2) recognizing 3) doing and the traficlights evaluation tool.
Take care of your racket as if it is your rifle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkGIxGdZoYY.
Hear about Rons experience regarding the difference between Asian players and European players and their mental state.
To become a world champion is a decision. Goals don’t just fall on you. You decide them. It’s a conscious thing. Hear the story about former World Champion Peter Rasmussen.
Mental Winners never think in problems – they think in solutions to problems.
Ron would like to invite Tobias Wadenka in the Mental Winner podcast. Tobias, who is a former German professional badminton player who is now a badminton coach.
You can get in touch with Ron here: https://www.facebook.com/Orovietnam or https://www.facebook.com/huynh.duong.16718
More podcast episodes in English:
Explore your inner Mental Power #55 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-z8pg9-11e7ece
Mads Christophersen – Danish nationalteam badmintonplayer #153 (English) part one - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-gjsti-161000a
Det kan jeg ikke - hverdagstanker #170
Den lille pause - mindfulness #169
Jesper Sehested - et liv som ordblind #168
Jesper Juul Windahl – musikprofessor og badmintonentusiast 2. del #167
Jesper Juul Windahl – musikprofessor og badmintonentusiast 1. del #166
1 % bedre hver dag - Djuro Vukotic mester i bevidst bevægelse #165
Jim Laugesen passioneret badminton ekspertkommentator 2. del - #164
Jim Laugesen - passioneret badminton ekspertkommentator 1. del. #163
Steen Schleicher Pedersen – ex-landstræner og badmintonexpert 2. del #162
Steen Schleicher Pedersen – ex-landstræner og badmintonexpert 1. del #161
Jakob Øster - manden der har besøgt alle verdens lande #160
Theis Houlberg - 4-dobbelt Danmarksmester i squash #159
Thorbjørn Saltorp - verdensmester i Talent Test #158
Irene Pasby – psykisk råstyrke og bæredygtig krop #157
Klædt på til arbejdslivet – Karoline Keller og Josephine K. Pedersen #156 2. del
Klædt på til arbejdslivet – Karoline Keller og Josephine K. Pedersen #155 1. del
Mads Christophersen – Danish nationalteam badmintonplayer #154 part 2 (English)
Mads Christophersen – Danish nationalteam badmintonplayer #153 (English) part one
Lone Carmel - familieterapeut og relationsekspert #152
Vær dig selv, alle andre er alligevel optaget - hverdagstanker #151
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