In the early spring of 2009, shortly after President Obama took office, I took it upon myself to found an organization called The Second Amendment March. Our stated purpose was to organize ...
In the early spring of 2009, shortly after President Obama took office, I took it upon myself to found an organization called The Second Amendment March. Our stated purpose was to organize Second Amendment rallies all across the United States over the remainder of 2009 and 2010, which would then culminate with a rally at the Washington monument in DC. Over the next 15 months, hundreds of volunteers raised over 100,000 dollars to pay for the march, and we organized dozens of smaller rallies in 36 states. On April 19th, 2010 we held our rally and a whopping 3,000 people attended. I was bitterly disappointed at the low number of attendees. Now, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a waste of my time, because I met thousands of quality patriots and I’m still friends with them to this day. Every year we still march in my home state of Michigan at the state Capitol, and we regularly get over 1,000 people to rally in support of the right to keep and bear arms.
Fast forward to January of 2020 and we see Second Amendment bedlam in the great commonwealth of Virginia as democrat Governor Ralph Northam and the new democrat-controlled legislature threaten to pass a series of sweeping and draconian gun laws that would strip Virginians of many of their second amendment rights. In response, the Virginia Citizens Defense league, headed by Phillip VanCleave, organized a pro 2nd amendment rally at the state capitol and over 20,000 patriots showed up from at least 37 states, most of them armed, to protest the governor’s intent to neuter the right to keep and bear arms.
And here’s the 20,000 dollar question: “Why did they show up in 2020, but not in 2010, just a decade earlier?”
I think I know the answer to that question. In fact, it’s really quite simple when you think about it honestly. So here it is.
People of character, real patriots, will almost always act upon the basis of their beliefs. And in the year 2010, although people were afraid that Barak Obama would take away their gun rights, the vast majority of the people didn’t believe he would be able to accomplish it. And, in retrospect, for the most part, they were right. Barak Obama was very loud and brash, but he was held in check by his other socialist agendas and then, later on, by a republican-controlled House of Representatives. In fact, one could argue that Barak Obama was good for the Second Amendment. Many in the industry honored him as the best gun salesman of all time. To be honest, every time that man opened his mouth, someone somewhere bought a gun, a thousand rounds of ammo and signed up for a concealed carry training class. The National Rifle Association flourished and grew under the shadow of President Obama.
And here’s my experience with the Second Amendment population. While they are very cocky on social networking, they are also very slow to attend rallies in person. But last month in Virginia it was different. Why? Because the threat was imminent and real. It wasn’t just bluster by Obama. It was a series of real legislative bills with an excellent chance at being passed into law by a determined legislature and anti-gun governor. So, in answer to the clarion call, the people came from all over the country. They came in droves, from 37 states, in busses, in cars, in planes and trains. The VCDL estimated between 30 and 70 thousand people attended. In fact, there were just too many to count as they were spread out all around the capitol. Several days prior to the event, Governor Northam declared a state of emergency based on an alleged credible threat that militia groups were attending and would promote violence. In my opinion, this was just a desperate act to paint the citizens as extremists and to shut the protest down. But it didn’t work. If anything, it added fuel to the fire and ensured that more people would come.
On the day of the event, the media showed up ready to film the death, violence and mayhem in the streets, but they went away disappointed. In the final analysis, it was truly a well-organized and peaceful demonstration. Even though thousands of civilians were there with guns, no one was shot or killed or even injured. It was truly a violence-free march, giving true credence to the saying “An armed society is a polite society.”
But here’s another question. How did Virginia elect an anti-gun democrat and legislative body in such a staunchly pro-gun state? Let’s face it, you can’t swing a stick in Virginia without hitting an AR15 or a Glock pistol. So how did the anti-gunners take control?
It's simple and can best be explained by the words of Wendell Phillips as he spoke to the Massachusetts anti-slavery society in 1852:
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”
That makes perfect sense to me. Good people can never sleep because evil will never sleep. It never pauses, never takes a rest or a vacation. The good people of Virginia took a temporary sabbatical, a small respite from their vigilance and it may well cost them a good measure of freedom.
I am continually amazed at how the far left never gives up. They just keep coming like Mongol hordes, throwing themselves into the teeth of liberty, crashing against our fangs, being torn apart, but still … they regroup and then they attack again.
So, here’s the bottom line: This is a war – a war of the ages and a war for all generations. A war that will never cease and never reach an armistice. And it’s not just a war in Virginia; it’s a war for all Americans. Texas, you are not safe. In 2018, 58,000 Californians moved to Texas. I doubt they’ll vote for Donald Trump in 2020. The far left is like a virus, they pollute and infect their host then, when everything is ruined and consumed, they move on to another land of plenty where the process is repeated. You see folks, we can’t afford to rest. Because our enemies do not rest. And as long as they fight, so must we.
Skip Coryell
Host, The Home Defense Show
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