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65 mins
Journey of Hope: The Story of The Vietnamese Boat People Podcast

Join us for "Journey of Hope: The Story of Vietnamese Boat People," a special event that explores the acclaimed "Vietnamese Boat People" podcast and the non-profit organization that grew out of it. Tracey Nguyen Mang, the podcast's creator will share her inspiration for starting the project and discuss the power of storytelling to connect us across cultures and generations.Through the podcast, Tracey has discovered that family stories can be both empowering and healing. The Vietnamese Boat People podcast has unique ethos empowers Vietnamese people to share their family stories and encourages others to listen and learn about their families' past experiences.The latest season of the podcast, "Ba Me Oi," explores stories about parents and how they shape the lives of their children. The season features incredible contributors, including Lisa Phu, an Alaska-based journalist and creator of "Before Me," and Carolina Do, New York City based actor, playwright and creator of "Buried Ruins". The non-profit organization that grew out of the podcast, empowers Vietnamese people to tell their family stories and strengthen the links within families and between generations. They offer a variety of resources, including conversation kits, journey mapping, and host an annual Story Slam that showcases Vietnamese storytellers. From limited edition t-shirts campaigns, online auctions to collaborations with Vietnamese artists and business owners who donate their work, the podcast is able to generate support for their work and continue to empower Vietnamese people to tell their stories.Don't miss this special event that celebrates the power of community and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. Join us for "Journey of Hope: The Story of Vietnamese Boat People."

57 mins
Why Employee Stories Matter with Lehigh University

With shake ups in the workplace such as “the great resignation” and new employees onboarding during a pandemic, it has never been so important to find ways to build your employee community and strengthen those human connections.We spoke to Hillary Kwiatek, Lehigh University’s employee communications specialist. Lehigh is a mid-size private research university in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, that ranks in the top 50 in the US. Hillary dropped by to share her experience of launching Lehigh University's career journey story podcast.What inspired you to start a podcast?Creating their podcast The Spotcast was part of the natural evolution of diversifying from traditional, printed communications to more digital media. With a very limited budget to speak of, podcasting offered an efficient and affordable medium to reach Lehigh’s staff and even the broader community.It also provided Hillary with a channel to showcase the staff in a way that is different from the normal press release and social media paths, offering opportunities to give voice to the diverse stories that make up their community.Who creates the podcast?Hillary and, when she has one, an intern, do all the work, from identifying interviewees to purchasing the music license to interviewing and recording. The University has its own audio recording studio, so Hillary has access to all the equipment she needs to record and edit the show.The strategy Hillary applies to each podcast is to have a fifteen minute conversation with the interviewee before the show. She tries to avoid giving them a specific list of the questions she intends to ask prior to the interview. She helps them feel comfortable in this pre-interview meeting so they go into the interview prepared and it can then follow a natural conversational flow.How is the podcast promoted?The marketing of the podcast is all on Hillary. She promotes each show in the e-newsletter and the university's social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.Hillary uses quotes and images of the interviewee and, of course, makes sure she shares the link with the interviewee. This cross promotion between Lehigh University’s official channels and the interviewee’s network often widens that reach.What is the value your podcast offers your audience?At one level, the podcast is about building the brand of Lehigh and augmenting employee relations.On another level, it performs a particular function, which is to open the audience to the incredible potential and possibilities they will have access to in their career path. Many careers, and especially perhaps careers in the academic and academic-support space, only make sense with a degree of hindsight. The podcast provides an avenue through which to showcase employees' careers and provide that hindsight, so that others may be inspired to see different paths.And finally, the podcast is also a vital part of Lehigh's hiring strategy. From portraying the wide array of types of positions available at a university to articulating the work culture at Lehigh, the podcast allows people who are external to the community to learn more about Lehigh and its 1,200 staff members.Is there a wider value to the podcast?Hillary feels that the podcast has allowed staff members’ stories to have greater reach than their normal range might offer. For example, one of the staffers is a role model to, and supportive of, the LGBT+ community at Lehigh. Students and faculty members who otherwise may not know, were made aware of this person's commitment to being an important resource. Another episode featured the story of the university’s performing arts center director. This story served both to highlight the diverse careers and paths to them at Lehigh and also to show people beyond the campus the many functions the university serves in the community.What has the response been to the podcast?Interestingly, the response is often related to a more hidden value of the podcast. That is, the recognition that the interviewee receives as a result of the exposure.Time and again, Hillary sees the podcast travel beyond the normal brand reach of Lehigh University and travel outward on social media in the interviewee's own circle.In fact, it is often the interviewee who returns with feedback to Hillary regarding the overwhelming response they received. It is this personal feedback and the connections created, more than numbers, that have shown the success of the podcast.What value does a podcast bring that other mediums don't?Hillary loves conversation and listening to other people's stories and is a firm believer in the connection that the medium of speech gives both the interviewee and interviewer.Based on the response to the podcast that Hillary receives, she can see how it is building community by creating reach at a human level.What are your future goals for the podcast?Hillary is considering adding a format to allow employee communications to go beyond the focus on personnel profiling to discuss policies and practices that affect staff. Hillary considers this will require a shorter form podcast. Meanwhile, she remains committed to retaining the original, longer-form interviews as well. There are still a plethora of fascinating stories to uncover amongst Lehigh employees.Do you have any take-home advice?Lehigh University's brand promotes that "you bring the passion we bring the possibility". Hillary's experience has taught her that this resonates well via podcast. So, Hillary’s number one piece of advice is that podcasting is an excellent medium for passionate individuals to unleash great possibilities.More pragmatically, Hillary also emphasizes that it is okay to not aim for perfection, and that most people won't even notice what you consider to be flaws. Pick your battles and determine how much you want to invest in each.

37 mins
Brand Building with Company Branded Podcasts at EY

Podbean connected with Marius and Jessica of EY Germany to hear about their experience of the first two years of producing company branded podcasts. EY is an international professional services network firm. Their global services cover markets such as accounting, operations, HR, insurance consulting, financial transformation, and more.Building a global brand is a significant challenge, yet it is one that podcasting, especially localized podcasting, is well suited to address.When did EY decide to implement podcasting?EY's commitment to podcasting was stimulated by the pandemic. For example, the first episode of EY's "FinTech Beyond Borders" was released in May 2020 and now boasts approximately 40 episodes.Marius and Jessica suggest that the disruptions created by the pandemic primed EY's audience to listen to podcasts. EY’s experience is a good illustration of how podcast engagement has exploded over the last couple of years.How is EY using company branded podcasting?EY uses company branded podcasting to build its brand both internally and externally. EY operates as a network partnership that boasts over 700 offices in more than 150 countries. With a spread across so many cultures and languages, internal brand building is central to retaining the knowledge base, philosophy, and ethos of EY.Externally, EY uses company branded podcasting to establish itself as a thought leader in the transformation space. To this end, a broad range of topics are covered. A common strategy applied to EY's podcasting is to bring in guests who offer different perspectives and add serious expertise to the discussion.Listener participation and engagement are key to EY's podcasting strategy. In fact, EY engages with its audience on a deep level. EY is learning what interests their listeners by inviting them in. Listeners engage by actively expressing opinions, suggesting topics, and giving feedback. If they have an interesting topic, they can bring the topic and even offer themselves as the subject matter experts.The outcome of this strategy is that the target group is both driving the conversation and raising brand awareness.How are your podcasts produced?Each podcast is run by different EY offices. A common strategy is to hold weekly creative brainstorming sessions where anyone on the team is welcome to pitch new ideas. Once a concept for an episode is agreed on, typically the person who pitched the idea writes the script or outline and invites the subject matter expert.The podcast lead schedules a pre-meet with the subject matter expert to determine what will be covered and, if the format applies, agree on a script.EY uses a production company to manage the recording and post-production to ensure the highest-quality final product. EY manages all the marketing once the podcast is ready.How do you create awareness?The strategy EY uses to promote the podcasts to build awareness and engagement depends on whether the audience is internal to EY or external and in the customer or potential customer base.Internally, podcasts are announced via the intranet. The banner or news burst promoting the podcast will often also link users to related materials, even if those are external sources of information. In this way, employees are encouraged to go deeper into a topic and further educate themselves.Also, such news bursts are targeted according to their geography, ensuring that relevant materials are targeted appropriately. For example, in Germany, EY produces the popular Transformation Tacheles podcast, which covers topics such as consulting, strategy and current affairs in transformation. This is targeted toward EY’s German speakers working in consulting.Externally, they apply a range of promotional strategies. Awareness is raised via EY’s newsletter and on the EY website. Teasers are passed to team members who have a strong standing in the subject area for them to promote on social media to increase traction. EY reports that LinkedIn is an effective platform for driving traffic.A particularly useful strategy is that EY’s agents are encouraged to share the episode with their target audience and are allowed to do this under their own branding. This is an easy win for such agents, as they are passing an item of value for free. It is an easy win for EY as the traffic is pushed to them, further strengthening their brand.EY loves the podcasting medium, as podcasts are so much more sophisticated and attractive than a "newsletter" format. Instead of linking to just one item of value-added material, once they reach the platform, the EY audience has access to all the podcasts produced. Their results show that this drives the audience to consume more content than what they found with other mediums.What hurdles did you have to overcome?Jessica and Marius agree that the biggest hurdle is finding a balance for the production pipeline. Producing ahead makes the production pipeline more robust. However, you also want to take into account current affairs and timely topics. For example, when producing a podcast that looks at major hacks and their effect on businesses, you simply can't produce too far ahead and still be current.Finding this balance is especially challenging for EY because they often host debate formats that require up to four speakers per episode and up to two moderators. With this many people gathering, it takes just one person to drop out of the meeting to make the planned collaboration fall apart.Do you have any take-home advice?Marius and Jessica both agree that to be successful in podcasting, you need an enthusiastic team with people who are willing to bring and drive their ideas. An engaged team with a diverse range of expertise who can grow the podcast is vital in creating an engaged audience.Also, from their lessons learned: have a robust release pipeline with backup evergreen material ready to go in case of those unpredictable scheduling conflicts.

31 mins
How Branded Podcasts and Internal Members Podcasts Provide Benefit: with The Moderate Party

We spoke with Zackarias Fariss, the Moderate Party's Project Manager. The Moderate Party is Sweden's second-largest political party and the main opposition party.Why Podcasting?With an upcoming election and the COVID-19 pandemic forcing people to spend more time at home, the Moderate Party had to reassess its communication strategy.How Do You Use Podcasting?Fariss explains that the Moderate Party has taken a two-pronged approach to podcasting. This allows podcasting to be part of the branding strategy and to support internal communications. The Moderate Party uses company branded podcasts; their publicly available podcasts. Also, they use internal podcasts; these are access-controlled podcasts to communicate within and between teams.How Do You Create and Promote Your Podcasts?The Moderate Party has a tiny dedicated team; that is a one-person team! However, there was plenty of go-to support from the wider team to get things off the ground.In terms of promotion, there is an email list for the internal podcast. For the company branded podcast, emails are also used occasionally. However, to avoid spamming their target group and to spread the word, the Moderate Party promotes individual podcasts on social media channels such as Facebook.Interestingly, Fariss says that word of mouth is one of the best promotion tools that they have – once a listener finds value in a podcast, they inevitably recommend it to similar-minded acquaintances.How Do You Leverage Company Branded Podcasts?The Moderate Party makes their public podcasts available on Apple and Spotify, Sweden's most popular podcasting channels. Through the Podbean platform, they’re able to easily distribute the public podcasts on all the podcast directories and apps.These podcasts take several formats. One channel applies an interview format to engage with high-level political party members and academic experts. There is also a news channel that allows the Moderate Party to spread its message and respond to current events.How Do You Leverage Internal Podcasts?Fariss explains that internal podcasts are an excellent mechanism for communicating highly sensitive information to the people that need access to it. This includes the strategy for winning the upcoming election.“The ability to share a high-value strategic vision and ensure that there is no risk of the opposition accessing that can not be underestimated,” says Fariss.How Successful Has Your Podcasting Strategy Been?The results are fantastic, Fariss tells us. The Moderate Party's branded podcast is in the top ten of the Swedish political podcasts on Apple.The benefits of a podcast’s ability to reach anyone at any time are paying off. Rather than asking people to join a virtual conference or consume a video of a virtual conference, the Moderate Party provides a self-serve channel that dramatically improves the ease at which listeners access their content. This helps not only spread the word and gain support for the party, but also keep listeners more informed on a range of issues.What Does Podcasting Offer That Other Channels Do Not?Apart from the ease of consumption, the ability to provide the full content of a conversation is a big plus.Fariss believes that there is simply no other mechanism that would allow them to record and distribute such in-depth conversations and political analysis. Radio, for example, is so very time-constrained, as are most traditional media channels. Podcasting has freed the Moderate Party from the typical time constraints that apply to public communications.What Hurdles Did You Need to Overcome?Engaging with the older generation has been the biggest challenge that the Moderate Party has encountered. For the uninitiated, they have developed a clear set of instructions to assist those unfamiliar with the world of apps and media consumption on the go to engage with their content.One of the benefits of encouraging the older community to listen to Podcasts is that they are sticky listeners; once they "get it" they stick around and listen to more.Do You Have Any Take-Home Podcasting Advice for Other Political Parties or Organizations?A word of advice aimed specifically at political parties is: don't plan too far ahead! The world of politics is very agile, and the Moderate Party has remained responsive to the shifting winds of this arena. For most businesses, of course, creating a content strategy is a far more robust approach. But, this advice to stay flexible can apply in many settings. Podcasts have the unique benefit of being both relatively easy to produce and accessible for consumption… so they can be tailored to keep people apprised of timely information.The other piece of advice is to be patient. The first few episodes of your podcast may not have much uptake. “Be confident that if your content provides value, then your listeners will come. Stay committed to podcasting," says Fariss.And, as a last word from Fariss, remember: "Listeners want a natural conversation. It shows honesty".

24 mins
Podcasting for Training and Internal Communications

Better Training SolutionsTraining is an ongoing need for every organization. As the great Richard Branson said, “Train people well enough so that they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to”. But, when your employees are busy, and on the move, training is a significant challenge.Not only that, when your leaders provide great content at an event, how do you ensure that such high-value content is fully leveraged? How do you extract the best moments, those golden nuggets, and make sure that they are available to people that are not even part of your organization yet?Well, part of the answer is that innovation is core to the human condition; faced with a problem, we innovate a solution. Our very own John Kiernan, Podbean’s Head of Marketing, met with Marty Boyzuk, the Direct of Enablement Technology Architecture and Design at VMware, a virtualization company. We learned about the innovative approach that VMware implemented to overcome the challenges of both capturing the best of busy people and training busy people.Why Podcasting?VMware was interested in podcasting as a secure, internal communications solution. Part of that interest was due to the enthusiasm for podcasting that entered the company with Marty. Marty was an early adopter of podcasting when he was at HP software. He identified that his highly-technical target audience already had an appetite for consuming podcasts, as many used them while working.Interestingly, VMware was not just experiencing a motivation-toward or pull to podcasting. There was also a motivation-away from the existing solutions. Marty explained that a downside of their existing toolset was the poor support for offline playback. His audience does a great deal of travel for work, and so it made sense to support them to use this time effectively.How Do You Use Podcasting?VMware uses podcasting in 3 main strands, customer-facing content, partner-facing content, and internal content. Marty is responsible for the internal stream, which is composed of 8 very active channels.These channels are audience-targeted. One of the key channels is aimed at the sales team, while others are targeted at technical teams. Their purpose falls into 2 categories; internal communication and training.VMware has been particularly innovative in its approach to utilizing Podbean for training. With a little extra code, VMware’s learning management system (LMS) was smoothly integrated with Podbean’s app. This enables employee’s consumption of the podcasts to be monitored, allowing their progression through internal training content to be marked as completed and credits assigned to the trainee.Not only that, VMware is using podcasts as a way to preserve institutional knowledge. So, for example, a global training session held over Zoom is recorded. The channel team then extract the evergreen content that should not be lost, this is packaged as a cast and the knowledge retained.How Is the Podcast Created?Being a technical company, Marty discovered that they have a pool of podcast geeks who were super keen to learn more about audio editing. In addition, what has been very effective at VMware is encouraging the audience to become co-creators. Employees have taken on the responsibility of creating training content for other people in the company.VMware keep podcasting so simple that they advise users to use Zoom to record a session, to download the resulting MP3/4, and to get editing! When folk begin to love the medium and push for more, VMware provides these internal producers with Adobe Studio and a good-quality microphone.VMware’s internal communications team also see that promoting the podcast material is as important as creating it. SharePoint banners, newsletters, emails, mentions in meetings are all used as a mechanism to increase the audience’s awareness of new content on the various channels.So, What Are the Benefits of Corporate Podcasting?For VMware, having Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication was mandatory to ensure the security of the content they produced that was intended to be used outside of the corporate physical perimeter. So, one of the big wins for Marty was the security that Podbean guarantees its clients.One of the extended advantages of implementing SSO, is that the listener is identified. It was this SSO that allowed the training credits to be assigned to each employee as they consumed their required training content.Part of Marty’s strategy at VMware is that podcasting gives them an alternative format over which they can reinforce information. They recognize that the first exposure to key data may not be the occasion at which it resonates with the recipient. Perhaps they are distracted at the time. Perhaps it did not make sense. By being able to present such important information over real-time training sessions, in written format (for example, in newsletters and emails), and in casts, VMware has found a mechanism to improve the chances that recipients are exposed to essential data while they are open to its message and, therefore, improve its uptake.Is There Any Take-Home Advice?Yes, get started! You don’t have to stay in Zoom forever using a mediocre mic. But, you can always upgrade to a better system (and Marty does advise that, eventually, you should).VMware also recommends taking a consume-as-suits-the-consumer philosophy. This means that they do not put time-sensitive content onto the podcast. Marty’s recommendation is to keep the pressure off. Encourage listeners to form the habit and allow them to do so at their convenience.