Future Quake Podcast
193 Episodes
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Category: Technology
Last Update: 2012-02-10
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Future Quake is a two hour, intelligent interview and talk show that intends to eduate it listeners, and even sometimes warn them, about issues that could negatively impact them if they are not informed, and prepared properly. We cover all aspects of societal concerns, including developments in technology, medicine and health, transportation, economics, a little politics, social and particularly spiritual issues, from a Biblical, Christian world view and mindset. While we cover very weighty and serious topics, we try to keep the discussion humorous and light with our bizarre senses of humor, and with copious additions of irony, in all but the most serious of topics. This show is a streamlined version of the daily "Future Quake" radio show aired weekly on WENO, AM 760 in Nashville, TN, with this show archived at www.futurequake.com (older shows are also available there). The podcast comprises an approximate 90 minute interview with newsmakers on a weekly topic (with prior guests such as Alvin Toffler, author of "Future Shock", Sheriff Joe Arpaio (America's Toughest Sheriff), Dr. Chuck Baldwin (2008 Presidential nominee of the U.S. Constitution Party), as well as new voices that listeners should be aware of), followed by Tomorrow's Tremors, or "Today's Review of The Future's News", with a discussion between the hosts regarding compelling recent news wire stories that might otherwise be overlooked by listeners, but with information that could impact them in the future.