It's The Human Experience- Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self Worth & Personal Growth While Staying True to Your Authentic Self and Walking By Faith In Our Life, Career, & Business

It's The Human Experience- Embracing Emotional Intelligence, Self Worth & Personal Growth While Staying True to Your Authentic Self and Walking By Faith In Our Life, Career, & Business
52 Episodes
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Category: Self-Improvement
Last Update: 2024-05-02
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Welcome to “It’s the Human EXperience” Podcast. So many times we isolate, compartmentalize, and self sabotage as we work on becoming our best self. It's time we redefine the way we approach self improvement, self help, personal development, growth, goals, Emotional Intelligence, success, self care, faith, self worth, and balance as we work towards becoming our highest self!Be prepared to be uplifted, inspired, and empowered as you become fearless in pursuit of the life you desire & deserve. Our goal is to help you level up by creating a safe space to learn & reflect while listening to transparent stories from our host or “successful” professionals & business owners who have agreed to share the parts of success that typically gets X’d out on social media- because that’s the part you need to see & hear- the process (so much growth & personal development takes place during the journey)!Hi👋🏽, I’m your host, Hazel Brown. A Holistic Growth Coach & Healthcare Leader who has checked off societal boxes such as degrees, career, business, and family! That's why I am here to share the journey so that you can find your authentic why- your way, as you work to reach your goals, unapologetically!!Every Thursday, we'll discuss all things personal development, growth mindset, fear, self awareness, success, goals, self-care, relationships, faith, business, career, trauma, self love, self care, confidence, boundaries, financial literacy, and emotional intelligence. The difference with our podcast is we'll share the good & bad parts of the journey- we're talking highs, lows, & ah ha moments so that you can catch the gems that you need to create your life as you grow and glow into your highest self! This podcast will inspire you to create a growth mindset and move past your traumas, challenges, or circumstances. It’s time to live out your destiny, and achieve "success" - whatever that is for you!I want to help you fill your cup! Follow, Subscribe, Rate, & Leave a Review! ~I'm rooting for you!

1 Enjoying the Moment: Mindfulness, Self-Discovery and Self-Acceptance While Being Present in Life's Journey with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-05-02

2 Navigating the Entrepreneurial Landscape with Resilience, Faith, and Intentional Growth with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-04-11

3 Embracing the Unknown and Owning Your Greatness: A Journey to Unlocking The Future You with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-04-04

4 Bridging the Gap to Achieving Our Goals Through Women's Empowerment: Strategies and Insights with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-03-28

5 Cultivating a Life of Intention to Harness Self Awareness & Your True Potential with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-03-21

6 Examining Real Authentic Connections: Reimagining Connection in the Age of Online Personas with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-03-14

7 Creating Your Own Narrative with Courage and Purpose for a Purpose Driven Future with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-03-07

8 Embracing the Journey to Self-Worth: Navigating Self-Doubt, Finding Confidence, and Discovering the Power of Self-Acceptance with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-02-29

9 Betting on Yourself & Cultivating a Life Worth Living Through Self-Belief, Faith, Resilience and Growth with Hazel Atkinson-Brown 2024-02-22

10 Navigating the Balance Between Survival and Self-Actualization: Overcoming Challenges to Pursue Your Dreams with Hazel Brown 2024-02-15
