Wičháho Blihélya - A Podcast in the Lakota Language


Wičháho Blihélya - A Podcast in the Lakota Language
12 Episodes
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Category: Language Learning
Last Update: 2024-04-11
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Welcome to Wičháho Blihélya - A Podcast in the Lakota Language. Co-hosts Alex FireThunder and Robert Two Crow both reside on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Bridging the gap between their generations, and between first and second language Lakota speakers, they explore various topics pertaining to life in Lakota country in 2023. Each episode also features other Lakota speakers weighing in on the topic, presenting the listener with a variety of perspectives and voices. This podcast is intended to serve three major purposes: language preservation via documentation of the Lakota language as it is spoken by Native speakers and elders, language revitalization via providing interesting and engaging content for language learners to listen to in low-anxiety environments and for teachers to use in classrooms, and finally language maintenance by providing Lakota speakers with a talk show to listen to in their first language.