300 Episodes
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Category: Religion
Last Update: 2017-09-30
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Zen Garcia is the webmaster for the truth seeking network www.fallenangels.tv whose motto is - The seeker of lost paradise may seem a fool to those who have never sought the other worlds. A video producer, and radio show host, he also hosts a show on Revolution Radio Wednesday's 8-10 pm Eastern on studio B. He is the author of 7 books; Look Somewhere Different, When the Evening Dies, A Different Way of Being, Lucifer - Father of Cain, Awaken to the NWO, Sons of God: Who We Are Why We Are Here, Skyfalll- Angels of Destiny., The Aramaic Targum, The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch, and his newest The Firmament: Vaulted Dome of the Earth. You can find many of his latest books at zengarcia.com, www.lulu.com, and www.amazon.com. You can find all of his most recent shows and interviews on his youtube channel under EndeavorFreedom.