The Phentermine & Clenbuterol Sourcebook
4 Episodes
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Category: Health & Fitness
Last Update: 2018-07-08
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I’m Mason Harder, and in The Phentermine & Clenbuterol Sourcebook, I will rectify the abundance of misinformation perpetuated by the weight loss con artists. Why? Not because I want to make some great humanitarian gesture, but because I’m the kind of guy that gets a kick out of proving the emperor has no clothes. And, as you'll see in The Phentermine & Clenbuterol Sourcebook, he's butt naked. My style is to just lay the cards on the table for you so you can see if this is something you're interested in. You see, I struggled for years to burn fat and get rid of the inner-tube around my midsection, but nothing worked. I hated seeing shirtless pictures of myself and would literally avoid mirrors like the plague. I went through each day hiding behind baggy clothes and a fake smile. I would even make up excuses to stay in while everyone else went out to have fun, and live life to the fullest. But that was a long time ago. I’ve spent 20 years earning the knowledge in this book. And while I know this book isn’t cheap; good things rarely are, nothing will save you more money from the scammers in the weight loss industry than this book will in the long run. My goal of The Phentermine & Clenbuterol Sourcebook is to pass along information that will save you years of wasted effort and thousands of dollars in worthless books, magazines, personal courses, instructional videos, and overpriced supplements that will not help you burn fat in the least.