Conversations with the Not-So-Famous Achievers
David Fein is an adventurer and entrepreneur. At 16 he became the 2nd youngest person to set foot on the South Pole, built and ran a sailboat charter company, and co-founded a private school. In 1986 he co-founded ValuSource, the leading producer of business valuation software. ValuSource’s was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in 1994 and in 2004 David bought the company back. David is co-founder and head elf for, which was featured on CBS national news. David co-founded Lessons from the Stage Behind Bars, a high-impact theater-based life skills program for prison inmates and is the principal coordinator for 7 Habits on the Inside for Incarcerated Veterans. David has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and an MBA. His mission is to cultivate both personal and professional excellence through the art of business.
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