Bird hunting podcast: Southwest quail pro guide and trainer Rashawn Gordon trades wild bird stories
Consummate quail chaser Rashawn Gordon joins me to explain his opening weekend philosophy, the current state of bird populations in Arizona, and to talk all things Southwest: his past and current season's high- and low-lights, dog and shooting safety, strategy, the habitat and scenery. We share camaraderie in the field, training, share some predator stories, and revel in the incredible world we dwell in: following dogs into the fields and forests.
Is there a place for "baby talk" in dog handling? We'll answer that question too. I'll also share your own insights on what you learned last weekend ... opening weekend for many. From your hunting buddy to bird behavior.
You'll also get a chance to win a Peet boot dryer, and it's all brought to you by:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Dr. Tim's performance dog food, RuffLand performance Kennels;,, Happy Jack,
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