It's Sonic Saturday which means it's about to get all wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey up in here and we think that's fantastic. So grab your fez, your sonic sunglasses and "allons-y"
Ethan and Ian are here to bring you "Who Do You Think You Are"; a retrospective look at Doctor Who's best moments in preparation for Jodie Whittaker's departure and inevitable successor in Autumn 2022.
This week Ethan and Ian are stranded as the Earth has vanished as they discuss the Series 4 finale two parter “The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End” as we discuss: Does this finale get too namey-wamey? What do we think about the three quickly resolved cliffhangers? Bugbears of Sarah Jane and her sonic lipstick Can Ethan get Ian to love Donna or is he bovvered?
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