United By Stoke It's all about You!
The last few weeks have just been crazy for us here at Raven 425 Apparel, but you know that crazy in a good way. Shane and myself have been at it for the spring line up for 2022, an expansion of our flagship store in the interior of BC, Canada and finally knocking on doors to get into more stores out there....However those are other episodes Shane and I are recording, today it is all about you.
A very simple answer as we were about to leave on a super quick 3 day trip where we had meetings set up out the whaazoo there were snow fall warnings, the roads were crap, we were tired, you know all that cry baby crap...it came to us.
We did not actually have an answer, we for sure could have just pulled the plug but we both looked at each other and just trusted that something bigger was at play. We did not know exactly what that even meant at the time (we will be doing a couple episodes going deeper into what actually transpired) but we knew it was about being there for this squad for the Raven And United By Stoke Community.
Honestly it is because of you that we push ourselves to be better to deliver the best product and show up every damn day!
For that we are beyond humbled and appreciate each and every one of you more than you can know!
Much Love, The Raven Boys