Entrepreneurship is about taking the losses, learning the lessons, and living to tell about them. Jaebadiah Gardner shares some of his most intimate experiences in his 13 years of building his real estate firm. As a respected developer, broker, and property manager in the greater Seattle area, he's seen a lot in the real estate industry from different angles. If you love great storytelling and real talk, then this episode showcases the depth of struggles associated with entrepreneurship. Jaebadiah also wrote a book, "Believe in Yourself: Business Essentials for The Millennial Entrepreneur." He believes real confidence comes from experience and that confidence is key to building wealth.
Gardner Global is a Seattle-based privately held holding company that offers an array of services through its subsidiaries. They specialize in creating a collaborative network of businesses through targeted acquisitions & strategic partnerships. They are actively engaged in real estate development, consulting, sales, leasing & property management. Recent Project Success includes The Liberty Bank Building. This was a $33 million dollar affordable housing project in Seattle, WA, USA. This publicly subsidized building is 115-units aimed at residents who make 30%-60% of the area median income (AMI). Loaded with history and art, this project is a unique representation of the strong Black culture that resides in Seattle, WA.
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