Our guest today is a systems nurse, and we definitely had to ask “what’s that?!” Find out how Claire flips the script on the “broken nursing system” and what she, has a change maker and systems thinker says about what to do when nurses hands are tied — or are they?
She gives some must-hear advice for new grads and even some actionable steps we can all start taking immediately to improve the healthcare system for our whole community. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, she’s talking to you!
Thank you, Claire, for your time and perspective on today’s podcast!
Find Claire Phillips on the ‘gram @nursing.the.system
And we’ll also be stalking her site for her new career development course coming soon (Interview with Intention) at www.nursingthesystem.com.
We can’t wait to learn more about her Changemaker Pyramid, too!
While you’re on IG, don’t forget to follow us @pulsecheck.podcast
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