Scholastic's "The Magic School Bus" follows Ms. Frizzle and her class as they set off on field trips. Based on the best-selling book series of the same name and starring Lily Tomlin, the original cartoon version of "The Magic School Bus" ran for two seasons on PBS. It was created to encourage students to become more interested in science to promote more diversity in the sciences.
Before taking a fieldtrip with "The Frizz," we try out our non-sponsored snack, Charleston Chew and talk about how the candy bar is used in advanced physics courses! Then, we get into our childhood memories and discuss some of the best fieldtrips we went on as kids!
Steve recalls a trip to the Bronx Zoo. Megan talks about watching the show while babysitting, and we both talk about a fieldtrip revisit to a living museum town in Mumford.
Did we love the taffy-like nougat of the Charleston Chew? Did we learn anything while watching the Magic School Bus? Were we disappointed in Ms. Frizzle's adventures? Listen to find out!
Links to listen can be found at
#1990sTV #1990s #LilyTomlin #Netflix #reboot #magicschoolbus #malcolmjamalwarner #PBS #CharlestonChew #strawberry #cartoon #fieldtrip #stopruiningmychildhood #80s #1980s #1980smovies #1980sCartoons #SaturdayMorning #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #tbthursday
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