KA-POW! The Pop Cultured Podcast
TV & Film:TV Reviews
It's way past time for an episode all about comic books, so that's what Ka-Pow the Pop Cultured Podcast is giving you this week. We've got some reviews for books we've been enjoying lately, a few news items and a bit of industry dirt. Plus - because no one demanded it - the return of our "One Job" segment!
Length - 01:22:54
Language - PG-13. (Contains mild adult language.)
0:04:27 - ONE JOB
Deciding the single most iconic role for the Queen of Halloween, Jamie Lee Curtis. (Spoiler: It's not "Halloween.")
Solving puzzles in the pages of two current "Captain America" books, Dark Horse becomes the fourth major publisher to leave Diamond Comic Distributors, a funny gimmick for the 20th anniversary of "Invincible," cancellation of "Superman" title provides food for trolls, DC hints at 13 new Golden Age characters and more "Watchmen" ties, Alan Moore definitely for sure done with comics and a sample of some recent releases including "Batman: One Bad Day," "Miracleman: The Silver Age" and "A.X.E. Judgment Day."
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