New Year- Same Racism
The largest poll of its kind conducted to date, “Discrimination in America” focuses on personal experiences with discrimination across more than a dozen areas of daily life.
Key Findings:
- Nearly half (45%) of African Americans experienced racial discrimination when trying to rent an apartment or buy a home.
- 18% of Asian Americans say they have experienced discrimination when interacting with police. Indian-Americans are much more likely than Chinese-Americans to report unfair police stops or treatment.
- Nearly 1 in 5 Latinos have avoided medical care due to concern of being discriminated against or treated poorly.
- 41% of women report being discriminated against in equal pay and promotion opportunities.
(Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and National Public Radio (NPR))
The year is new, but racism is not. Join the speaker as he explains how Islam has the answer.