Phoebe is all about educating and simplifying your money life! her heart- centred approach to leading her team and offering much needed professional learning for women who have experienced massive financial change over the last four years .
Phoebe and I talk about being financially stable so we can make better decisions, experience less stress and feel confidence in our business and life decisions and plans.
Her book " The Happy Money Journey" is the result of her work experience in the banking and mortgage world. We explore her daily thriving habits and those she has encouraged with her team and Sky, the dog. Covid significantly influenced her view and her career experience of 'climbing the ladder' to such an extent that autocratic leadership is no longer encouraged in all she does.
We share the coaching way of leading the team, always asking about the person first - careful questions bring out how the team is travelling and how they can support each other when under pressure. Phoebe has developed her own small group coaching for women entrepreneurs with a special lens on women +50 years who are 'stressed and stetched'. Check out her instagram 'Happy Monday' posts as well.
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