A new threat emerges as the Vigilance Committee investigates the effects of Ghost-Be-Gone on the town. Marshal interviews his prisoner, Gideon sniffs and scratches, Lorelai looks into a dead man's eyes, and Angel does some chemistry.
CW: coarse language, death, dead human bodies, bereavement, guns, snake oil, alcohol, violence, references to: loss of agency, violent ends, deep sadness, Christian imagery, the Southern Baptist Church, drunkenness, bathing, blood, strangulation
[ 0:02:51 - The Bounty Hunter threat, planning the day ]
[ 0:18:19 - Lorelai by the river, meetings in the Jailhouse ]
[ 0:41:10 - The third cell, introducing Del Sol ]
[ 0:51:31 - Gideon, Lorelai, and Penelope Prior ]
[ 1:24:17 - Analysis in Angel's saloon ]
[ 1:30:49 - Del Sol II: Ropes, chains, cords, barbed wire ]
| David as the Keeper |
| Dave as Brother Gideon |
| Emma as Lorelai Chambers |
| Gwynn as Angel McCoy |
| Pat as Marshal Jefferson Stockley |
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This arc of Trials of the Apocalypse is an actual play podcast of The Between: Ghosts of El Paso.
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