Watch the July 11 Selectboard meeting courtesy BCTV.
During the July 11 meeting, the Brattleboro Selectboard adopted five major goals for fiscal year 2024 through fiscal year 2025. Those goals are: making the Transportation Center a good place for parking; developing an expansive vision for the Town pool; finding a path forward for Community Safety; developing the concept of safety zones; and advancing housing initiatives.
Watch the July 18 Selectboard meeting courtesy BCTV.
The Fire-EMS Transition Project will be discussed at the Selectboard meeting scheduled for July 25. You can find more details, including background info, on the project page.
Save-the-date: There is a Downtown Community Safety Fair scheduled for Aug. 8 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Gibson-Aiken Center.
The top floor (4th floor) of the Transportation Center will be closed for repairs. The floor will be closed through July 28.
The steps in front of the Municipal Center are being reset. Please enter and exit the building through the rear parking lot.
“Town Matters” is recorded at Brattleboro Community Television. Provide feedback to the show at