As a coach who works with clients from across the globe, I have found that many of them want to also consider their faith and belief systems when it comes to making and taking decisions. Whether their belief is in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, or they are part of the new age movement, with 84% of the world’s population having a faith, as coaches, we need to be mindful of this, especially when we are coaching on life, career, and finding purpose. In this month's podcast, we get some top tips on how to bring faith into Career Coaching.
Joining podcast host, Jenny Butter are Katie Conley and her client Lisa Robertson. Katie is a career coach and like 2.4 billion others, believes in the world’s largest religion, Christianity. As a Christian and a Licenced Career Coach, Katie has a particular interest in how faith interacts with career choices. Her client, Lisa who is Head of Operations at i61m, has worked in a number of different sectors including retail, IT, digital, design, marketing, healthcare, education, and charity. At a time in her life when she wanted to explore what was next career-wise, it was important to her to also consider things from a faith perspective.
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