23 Countries, over 700+ published episodes, bringing the world together through great music and good conversation. The Andy Kimbel Show!
Join this special episode as we welcome our guest Brian Ochab, a very talented singer songwriter out of Los Angeles California.
Brian has been likened to Billy Joel and Elton John. His unique styling, masterful piano playing and great voice sets him apart. He'll be releasing his debut album soon. If you are in the LA area, you won't want to miss Brian Ochab and his full band at Kulak's Wood Shed on Sunday July 30, 7:30 PM. (Andy will be on the Bill performing a short intro) .
We'll also feature on this show Jackson Browne, Leo Kottke, Doc Watson, Taj Mahal, Shawn Colvin, Odie Leigh, Amanda Love (of the Andy and Amanda Show), and more. Join the program!
Email us at TheAndyKimbelShow@Gmail.com with requests and guests that you would like to see interviewed on the program.
Special thanks as always goes out to show coordinator Cornell Butler and the Pyramid Agency!
All the best folks!
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