An episode which has been a long time coming, Georgia, David and Lillian finally tackle the cult classic cyberpunk sci-fi of Ridley Scott's groundbreaking Blade Runner.
There is much to discuss from this 'parable of neurodiversity' (as David puts it), including how the Voight-Kampff test of the film mirrors the real-life 'empathy' tests of autism diagnoses, and how the tag-line 'more human than human' relates to language used to describe (and dehumanise) autistic people.
The gang also consider the status of the cyborg 'replicants' as potential neurodivergent activists, while a special focus on the character of Rachel reveals how the film's cinematography potentially behaves in a neuroqueer manner.
The episode is inspired by David's article on autism and Blade Runner which can be found here if you have the access:
If not, you can find a version of the article in Chapter 4 of David's PhD thesis, which is available for free (after signing up to here:
And for even more on the connections between autism and Blade Runner do check out this blog series by SpeakerToAnimals:
Audio edits by 344 Audio.
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