Dan McMillan is a therapist and psychologist in Alberta, Canada, and the father of two young children. This story was originally created to help highlight a common, hurtful pattern in couples’ relationships. One day he told the story to his daughters and found they really enjoyed it as well. So, a kid-friendly version was born in hopes of both entertaining children, and sharing important information for parents to be aware of.
Websites: https://danmcmillanbooks.com/ https://assuredpsychology.com/
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Badger and Turtle Face the Storm
Written by a therapist, Badger and Turtle Face the Storm follows a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant for not only children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.
Websites: https://danmcmillanbooks.com/ https://assuredpsychology.com/
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