Sara Demick’s first response to hearing about Fiercely Empowered Mama was, “I don't need that... I already got it.”
But her intuition was nudging her to take a closer look.
“I was on the journey,” she says, “I knew the basics of how things worked, but oh my goodness... it was like scratching the surface from where I was to where I am now.”
In the four years since Sara joined FEM, she’s built up a local community of support and connection in southeast Michigan and experienced countless mindset shifts. She’s learned how to lean into illness, love on the body and embrace its communication as she raises her boys to be world changers.
Listen in to today's episode as Sara and I talk about:
- What made her say “YES” to FEM.
- How FEM only opens up one time a year, but it’s super easy to stay year after year.
- Some of her biggest wins and shifts:
- Taking ownership of their immune systems.
- Raising kids who know how to take care of their own bodies.
- Raising boys that are in tune with their bodies.
- Sara’s experience with emotion code, tapping and helping her boys work through their emotions in a healthy way.
- Mindset shifts when an illness hits, and seeing it as an opportunity for the body to help kids to detox and grow.
- How Sara is one of our FEM mentors in Michigan.
- She loves having deeper conversations and building a community of like-minded mamas.
- How the knowledge you gain in FEM and the support of Team Tonya and the FEM community is like nothing else on the internet.
- Starting with the understanding that every child is different and learning how to individualize their care.
- Sway testing and muscle testing, and how this tool can be so empowering.
- How it changes our children and their children and the lives of generations to come when we live with this level of choice and freedom.
- How our bodies are strong, and we have so much potential and so many options for natural health remedies.
- There is always something we can do!
- Real stories about Sara’s sons.
- Through this work, they were able to get to the root causes of the problems and actually heal them instead of masking them.
- A deeper understanding of our bodies and sharing this knowledge with our children.
- This gives us so much power. Our thoughts become things.
- FEM features that Sara loves:
- The Community
- FEM Course Modules
- The Vault
- How Fiercely Empower Mama opens up once a year and the time is coming.
- We are sharing real stories from women who walk this path.
- What Sara would say to someone who was on the fence about joining FEM.
- How Sara would explain FEM to someone who has never heard of it before.
- Some of Sara’s favorite FEM tools.
- How you can find Sara on Instagram at @realhealthmama.
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