Mark Walmsley trained in drums and percussion and spent 15 years performing with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. He’s also played in the pit of various West End shows in London and taught drumming to children online, around the world. But Mark also beats a different drum, as a self-confessed, ‘furious networker,’ working his way through creative digital marketing and events management. Put all that together, hand it to Tom Cruise behind his bar in Cocktail, and you get Mark Walmsley, founder of the Arts and Culture Network. Currently, there’s an average of 300 new members a day joining a global community that’s 80, 000 strong and Mark’s mission is to drive connections. He’s also interested in fractional philanthropy, taking a percentage of membership fees to support initiatives in under-developed communities, for example supporting a dance group for homeless children, based in Uganda. We talk about entrepreneurism, risk, the pirate code of conduct, music and neurology and why Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. We also talk about his exec role on Jungle Book, a forthcoming, immersive theatre experience. Mark leans forward and everyone is invited.
Series Audio Editor - Joey Quan.
Series Music - Courtesy of Barry J. Gibb
Closed Captions are added to all interviews in this series. Read only, text versions of every interview are here with news, reviews and your host:
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