Have you ever felt Imposter Syndrome? Then #tunein because this is the episode for you!
Women in the workplace and in society are too often “problematized” rather than addressing very real biases and barriers we face. We are told if we want to succeed…to belong…we have to fit in and research shows that fitting in is the opposite of belonging because we are expected to change who we are rather than be who we are. We are told to be our authentic selves then feel consequences when we do.
This episode addresses the three main themes in the imposter syndrome: 1. Not believing you deserve the success you have achieved. 2. A feeling of fraudulence about that success. 3. A feeling of dread that you will be “found out”. But we will also consider context when we are discussing imposter syndrome. Although research has shown that both men and women can experience the phenomenon – it is women, who tend to be the focus of the advice, workshops, books, and professional development initiatives aimed at overcoming the problem. It is unfair to make this a women problem, BUT we should consider how women and persons of color disproportionately experience many workforce biases that HAVE contributed to the problem.
Let’s talk about ending the narratives around women and Imposter Syndrome so there is less talk of fixing women at work and more fixing the places women work!
https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_may_shape_who_you_are?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare https://hbr.org/2021/02/stop-telling-women-they-have-imposter-syndrome
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