Roaming alien sock from another galaxy threatening civilizaiton, you say? Why it must be time for "The Doomsday Machine"! A powerful entity needs a powerful extra podcaster, so Carl Garcia is back for a second stab at TTTY.
How does the titular Machine work as an advesary? Is Decker a credible threat to the situation? And does the episode deserve to be top-tier?
Plus in Recommendations we have a movie, a novel, and a remastered video game.
Twitter / X / Burn, Evil One, Burn: @talktrektoyou
Bluesky: talkingtrektoyou
JG's Blog: Judgementally Reviews...
Think Good Thoughts: A Redemptive Review Of Star Trek: Voyager by JG McQuarrie Vol 1 and Vol 2
Produced by: JG McQuarrie
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