Our guest today is Adrian Salazar, who is Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing. SafetyWing offers insurance for travellers and remote teams.
We explore important topics like being authentic and discuss buzzwords that influence company values. Then we'll chat about SafetyWing's culture, focusing on ideas like integrity and authenticity, and why having a positive culture and well-being can greatly benefit any organisation.
Adrian Salazar LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/theadriansalazar/
SafetyWing - https://safetywing.com/
Arlie Hochschild’s book - The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling: Amazon.co.uk: Hochschild, Arlie: 9780520272941: Books
Imposter phenomenon - Dr. Pauline Rose Clance - IMPOSTOR PHENOMENON
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