"Following: Peter, the Rock" – John 18:15-17, 25-27 and 21:15-19
Lenten Sermon Series Part I
Sermon by the Rev. Elizabeth N.H. Link from Sunday, February 18, 2024. "What is it that makes us chicken out—whether we’re 11 years old, 41 years old, or 81 years old? Why are we afraid to speak up? To live what we claim to believe? What is it that makes us vulnerable to this kind of behavior—the kind of behavior Peter shows on Good Friday? The kind of statements Peter makes in the courtyard that night?
". . . Jesus knows we are more than the worst things we’ve done (or left undone). He knows we are prone to choose wrong, and we are prone to shame and self-hatred. He knows how to meet us, to build the fire, and prepare the meal that will heal and restore."
Read the manuscript on our website: https://www.spres.org/following-peter-the-rock/
Sung Prayer for Illumination: O Word of God Incarnate. TEXT: William Walsham How, 1867, alt. MUSIC: Neuvermehrtes Meiningiches Gesangbuch, 1963; adapt. Felix Mendelssohn, 1847. Public domain. CCLI Song #121971. CCLI #2642604.
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