When Sandy Levey-Lunden, author of I Just Want Peace, recently introduced Lynn Thompson to Richard Unger, this 45-minute conversation happened. Richard is the Founder of IIHA (International Institute of Hand Analysis) and the author of Lifeprints: Deciphering Your Life Purpose from Your Fingerprints. He has read over 50,000 pairs of hands, and is one of the foremost authorities on hand analysis in the world today.
As a follow-up, nine people gathered on Zoom for a discussion with Richard and more insights from him about Life Purpose.
Why I Read Hands by Richard UngerTwo hands open and in front of my eyes an entire Universe stares back at me. I descend into their world, like a cave explorer, my ropes and lantern at the ready, immersed in this alien environment both strange and familiar. Their essence, the meaning behind the events of their life, is asking me to put into words and images that which calls out for understanding and acceptance.
And when I take notice, I see a transformation in my own experience: I am clear and centered, weightless, aware, more alive, more thankful and more alert than at any other time in my life.
Why do I read hands?
To help other people.
To become more self aware.
Because nothing - nothing - connects me more to my spiritual center.
Because my own Life Purpose commands it.
Because they are there.
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